Friday, September 07, 2007

Groc Store, Servo Runs Amok

Roll call: No change.

Brandon buys the Town Center Grocery.

This is the first time I've purchased this lot or visited it. It was a pleasant surprise. I thought I'd at one time or another been to all of the lots.
A shot of the lot before I make changes that suit my playing style.
Close up of the buildings floor plan.
The area I changed. I took out the public bathroom and made a large break room to refresh the playable sims needs. I also placed a flower workbench on the lot.
I created a public bathroom on the lot in the area that the BBQ grill was located. Walls up, showing that the BBQ grill is outside, yet easily available to the workers. The gates and doors to the break area are locked allowing only workers or playable sims to access the area.
First customers. Nothing unique in this shot other than the penguin at the register.
Servo runs amok.
The servo shocks anyone she touches.

She runs around.
More shocking.
and more...

A negative mark for that shocking.
More customers shocked.

Servo runs off.

Then runs away.

Brandon looks worried. A customer, burnt to a crisp, waits to pay for his items.
Finaly, the servo calmly walks off the lot.
Last shot of servo before she poofed off the lot.

Two sims calmly play chess. I guess they didn't get shocked or see any of it.

Everything else on this lot was the same. Nothing new to report. The most exciting thing was the servo.


Blogger SpongebobTanu said...

hehehe, thats the first time i've seen the servo runs amok thing. too funny!

10:14 AM  
Blogger Sally said...

Heh - damned servo! That's one way to scare the customers. Hehe...

8:01 AM  
Blogger Ziese52 said...

Goodness! Servos are good except when they run amok. That's when I reconsider using them at all.

12:51 PM  

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